

The benefits of a paper magazine wrap mailing solution for multi-component communications

Published 16 July 2019 in 

Print Image Network’s Commercial Manager, Simon Milnes, explains why publishing and commercial companies are choosing to use a paper magazine wrap solution to deliver magazines and supplements.

For many years polywrap has been the material of choice for wrapping magazines, catalogues and direct mail. Lightweight, strong and weather-resistant it is extremely effective for keeping different mail pieces together in one combined pack. However, more and more organisations are seeking options which are eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives, such as paper.

“With a current backlash against single-use plastics and the problems surrounding recycling, we’re seeing an increased number of organisations approaching us to discuss alternatives, such as paper magazine wrap.” Says Simon Milnes, Commercial Manager at Print Image Network.

“As a responsible print management company, it’s our business to offer clients more sustainable ways to wrap magazines.”

Print Image Network has one of the largest printing networks in the country and prints everything from electoral stationery to direct mail. “As printing experts, we know that paper magazine wrap isn’t a new solution, however, it is being more widely used because of the resistance to use plastic of any kind.  There are multiple benefits for organisations,” says Simon.

Benefits of paper magazine wrap:

1. Sustainable product: eco-friendly and recyclable (supports ISO14001)

The paper used for our paper magazine wrap solution is FSC and PEFC certified. Unlike polywrap, paper wrap packaging is easily recycled after use. Therefore, its sustainable lifecycle will support any environmental commitments associated with CSR policies or ISO14001 efforts.

2. Endless design and promotional opportunities on the outer wrap

Paper magazine wrap can accommodate any design a client desires, as long as the areas for postal addresses and the postal indicia adhere to Royal Mail’s postage requirements.  From plain block colours to intricate designs and photos, the possibilities are endless.

3. Combined mailing savings (separate mailings in one pack)

Wrapping multiple communications means that postage is only paid once rather multiple times. Polywrap and/or envelope savings can be made as they won’t be required.

4. Can accommodate different size communications (such as A4 and A5)

Typical wraps are A4 and A5, however, our solution can wrap the largest insert if it a bespoke size, enclosing all other inserts neatly into the pack.

5. Machines can accommodate up to 9 different inserts per pack

Paper magazine wrap can fill your pack with up to 9 different inserts.

6. Individual inserts can be personalised

With paper wrap all nine inserts can be personalised, if required.

7. Packs are eligible for Royal Mail’s (cost-effective) Mailmark® service

Paper wrap packs are easier to process by Royal Mails machines (polywrap and eco-alternatives are not) and therefore is subject to the cheaper Mailsort options, which reduce postal costs.

Simon concluded, “It’s no surprise that organisations that have a strong conservation ethos are looking at paper wrap as an alternative solution to polywrap. However, we are getting enquiries from all types of organisations who are exploring the switch in a response to reader feedback, readers who don’t want to see plastic used at all.”

If you are interested in switching to a paper magazine wrap solution, please contact the team at Print Image Network.

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