Following a busy year of elections, Print Image Network Ltd has today issued its annual online customer satisfaction survey to council customers across the UK.
Many councils had local elections in May and all councils were involved in the Snap General Election, which was called for 8 June 2017. With tight timescales, electoral print and mail specialist, Print Image Network was responsive to the task and ensured that all council customers deadlines were met and poll cards, postal votes and ballot books were delivered, in advance of the country’s vote.
With an impressive track record when it comes to customer satisfaction, Print Image Network is the only electoral stationery printer to hold the Cabinet Office’s Customer Service Excellence standard. The results of the questionnaire will be reported to the CSE Assessor for our assessment in January 2018.
If you are a council customer of Print Image Network, look out for your online survey which will be delivered to you by email. As with previous years, Print Image Network will donate £5 to one of its three chosen charities for customers who complete the online survey and contribute to the company’s continuous improvement.
For more information about electoral print and mail, or to discuss requirements for next year’s elections, please contact the Print Image Network team on: -
Tel: 0161 209 4800
Results from last year showed that Print Image Network, one of the largest print specialists of electoral stationery in the country, improved it customer satisfaction rating from 2015, by 4%.
As part of its commitment to the Customer Service Excellence Standard, Print Image Network carries out an annual survey to compile customer opinion in relation to its service. The company has a local authority customer base that spans the whole of the UK, providing postal votes, ballot papers, poll cards and housing notification letters to no fewer than 80 councils.
2016 saw numerous elections happen in the UK, including the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections, local elections, the London Mayoral election, and Assembly elections for both London and Wales. In addition, the EU Referendum was called for the following month, 23 June 2016. For electoral printers and councils alike this scenario resulted in one of the busiest years for everyone involved in delivering statutory elections.
Following such a busy period, Print Image Network was keen to understand what customers thought of the service delivered during this exceptionally busy time. Therefore, customers were invited to take part in an online satisfaction survey. The survey asked customers to rate key areas of service including: – overall satisfaction, sales and account management, products and service, and finally to compare its service to other electoral printing suppliers.
54% of the customers who received the survey completed it, which was a big increase on the previous year.
Key highlights were:
Managing Director, John Foster said of the survey results “To achieve such a high satisfaction score is great, and to know that this score has improved, in such a challenging year, is testament to our skilled team. The EU Referendum date being announced for June, just after the May elections, put pressure on councils and electoral print and mail suppliers. I’m glad to say that our team, having professionalism, skill and knowledge, provided a first-rate service even under challenging circumstances.”
In the year the company was awarded ‘Compliance Plus’, part of the Customer Service Excellence Standard, Steve Power, Services Director, added. “To review the results of the survey and to see a 4% improvement was excellent news. We work hard to provide outstanding customer service, and so to hear that our customers recognise this makes the hard work during 2016, all the better. We have a close working relationship with all our customers, which results in great communication and inevitably leads to us providing a service that’s tailored specifically to them.”
To review the results of the survey, download here>>
For more information about Print Image Network, please contact us: -
*100% satisfaction, in this instance, means that customers rated the service as ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’
As part of its commitment to its Customer Service Excellence standard, Print Image Network Ltd carried out a customer satisfaction survey following the May 2015 General and local elections.
Customers who had experienced Print Image Network’s service during this period were invited to take part in an online satisfaction survey. The survey asked customers to rate key areas of service including: - overall satisfaction, sales and account management, products and service, and comparison to other electoral printing suppliers and recommendation.
Customers were keen to provide feedback in relation to their experiences, in fact 23% more customers completed the 2015 survey in comparison to customer responses following the 2010 General Election.
Key highlights were: -
Print Image Network also welcomed new customers during May and is happy to say that the responses from new customers were extremely positive.
“The products and service were extremely good as they were. I can’t think of any improvements”
Bath & North East Somerset Council
Election services provider, Print Image Network would like to thank customers for their continued service and support and will issue a full set of survey results very soon.
Fifteen years ago, Print Image Network co-founders John Foster and Stephen Power, combined their knowledge of the print industry and the world of elections to create the election printing specialist it is today. Print Image Network is a company focused on helping to solve the election complexities facing modern local authorities and organisations. As you can imagine, this has been no mean feat.
The challenges presented by the new Individual Electoral Registration system, which was introduced in 2014, plus the recent General election and local elections, have not been without certain challenges. Such significant changes in the electoral landscape have left suppliers of local authorities needing to react to the challenges with the same agility as councils themselves.
After three General elections the company is still going strong. It has seen many changes over the years; mostly legislative, although in more recent times other external factors have influenced the way elections are managed. Budget spending cuts, the decline of voter turnout and technological advancements (or rather restrictions thereof), have all led to challenges for councils and suppliers alike. So, as electoral staff throughout the UK took a short rest following 7th May, all are back to tackle this year’s canvass.
A testament to the way Print Image Network has handled the elections this year is the encouraging results of its recent customer satisfaction surveys. To ensure continued commitment to its Customer Service Excellent standard, Print Image Network developed two customer surveys – one to collect customer opinions relating to IER and one to determine how we serviced customers during the May 2015 elections. The combined satisfaction level from respondents came to 94%.
Over the years Print Image Network has extended its range of services and markets. It also provides print services for any type of business and, with the introduction of PIPI, Print Image Promotions and Incentives, has been providing branded promotion products since 2009.
One of the biggest events in the Print Image timeline was in 2009, when a new brand was born – UK Engage. Taking its experience from within the elections arena, Print Image Network launched UK Engage, the company’s brand to service the election needs of other types of organisations, both in the private and public sector. UK Engage, became more than an elections printer it became an elections services provider. As new staff members were employed and the company grew, so did its skill set and expertise it was able to offer.
Today, UK Engage offers organisations much more than a printing service – it is now able to offer a comprehensive service which includes consulting and advising organisations on their election processes, offering a range of services to improve engagement amongst members. The introduction of electronic voting and other ‘online’ solutions have equipped UK Engage to become a major contender in this field. Today, the brand runs internal elections, AGMs, training sessions and workshops for NHS foundation trusts, social housing providers, professional bodies, cooperatives, charities and Business Improvement Districts, amongst others.
John Foster and Stephen Power have built a company that has, over the past 15 years, gone from strength to strength. Co-founder Stephen Power had this to say about the anniversary. “Print Image Network has always been a forward thinking company, both brands are evolving and adapting to the market sectors in which they operate. We are well-prepared to meet the expectations our customers have for us in the future; we’re delighted to celebrate 15 years in business and we are looking forward to the next 15!”
John Foster added, “2015 has been quite a year. No one would deny that, at times, it’s been challenging for all involved but at the same time we have overcome challenges for all our customers to ultimately deliver successful elections. This year we have also retained our Customer Service Excellence standard, which means that we have been recognised as achieving excellent customer service. No other electoral services provider holds this standard and we are extremely proud that we’ve been able to maintain such high standards and pass our three-year assessment with flying colours.”
Since the early days the company has substantially increased its workforce, increased its product and service portfolio to encompass all modern needs and its customer base is growing each month.
With the introduction of IER, 2014 was a busy year for local authorities and electoral services providers alike. The replacement of the old ‘household registration’ system in place of IER - Individual Electoral Registration proved unfamiliar territory for all involved.
In January 2015, following the main initial IER roll-out, Print Image Network decided to send out a customer satisfaction survey to customers. The purpose of the survey was to understand how its service was received by customers during IER, which was described as ‘the biggest change to voter registration in a generation’ by the Cabinet Office.
The results pleased the electoral printing specialist as they confirmed that customers had indeed been satisfied with the service they received during IER. The results also contributed to Print Image Network’s successful three-year Customer Service Excellence (CSE) accreditation reassessment; something that no other election provider has achieved.
Services Director, Stephen Power commented about the survey results “To achieve great feedback from our customers during what has proven to be a very challenging experience for local authorities and service providers throughout the UK, makes us extremely proud. The CSE accreditation is only awarded to companies which drive customer-focused change within their organisations, this is something that the team at Print Image Network works very hard to do.”
Highlights from the IER-related survey include:
• Overall satisfaction: 100% of customers were ‘extremely satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with the service they received throughout the IER transition
• Sales & Account Management: Scores for the sales contacts and account managers were either ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’ – both ranked highly for their responsiveness to customers
• Products: 100% of customers thought its products were of ‘high quality’ and believed that the application of the IER templates was ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’
Managing Director, John Foster was also pleased at the survey results. “Historically our customers have told us they receive an excellent service from us, therefore we felt it was important to understand if we had managed to maintain our high service levels during the complexities of the IER transition. I'm delighted to say, we did.”
Print Image Network will get its full CSE assessment scores during the next few months.