

Snap General Election – Electoral Printing Support

Published 20 April 2017 in 

Printing of election stationery for the snap general election

Following the announcement that there is to be a snap General Election, Print Image Network is gearing up to accommodate customer requirements for postal votes, ballot papers and poll cards.

The UK Parliamentary General Election (UKPGE) will happen on 8 June 2017. We understand that preparing for this, as well as 4 May 2017 polls, will present certain challenges for local councils across the UK.

Print Image Network will be working, with immediate effect, to deliver all customer requirements.

Why Print Image Network: -

  • Professional, reliable and trusted electoral print and mail supplier
  • Customer satisfaction is ranked at 98%
  • Accredited to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials, Customer Service Excellence and Investors in People
  • Award-winning postal vote solutions
  • Dedicated and experience account management and delivery team
  • Manages the complexities of cross boundaries
  • Experienced in working with all data software

If you need our expertise, please do not hesitate to contact us: -

Tel: 0161 209 4800

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